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The oldest producer of cream fudge in Poland

The history of our company started during the time of the Tsars, when my grandfather Feliks Pomorski – the later company founder, as a seven year old boy had been sent to study to the plant belonging to his uncle in Żytomierz. He became familiar with a confectionery profession during work on each stage of production. In year 1921 Feliks Pomorski establishes confection production plant in Poznan. Soon he employs almost 40 workers. In that time the plant produced about 200 types of candies.
World War, when Germans entered Poznan they ordered the Pomorski family to leave the plant. After quite long wandering the Pomorski family came to Milanówek near Warsaw. During war turbulences due to lack of ingredients production of candies was practically a miracle. Cream fudge were easy to produce and did not require inaccessible ingredients. History of our company

Krówki z logo reklamowe - etykieta z lat 30
Original label of the 30s

Ważne daty z historii Krówki PomorskiImportant dates in the company’s history

1921 – Feliks Pomorski opens production pland in Poznan under the name “F. Pomorski”

End of 1930s - “F.Pomorski” owns 5 shops in Poznan centre and produces 118 types of candies, among others: cognac chocolates, chocolate drops,popular at that time shells, marzipan candies.
Already then cream fudge – candies wrapped in paper with a cow image, because their main ingredient was milk – had the greatest popularity.

1939 - German occupation – displacement by Germans and establishment of an underground cream fudge production plant in Milanówek

Charakterystyczna biała krówka na etykietach produktów firmy jest nieodłącznym elementem identyfikacji wizualnej firmy.
Characteristic white cow on labels of the company’s products is an inherent element of visual identification of the company.

1951 - the production plant of Feliks Pomorski has been compulsory nationalised

1956 - resumption of production.

1963 - after Feliks Pomorski’s death his business is being continued by his son – Leszek Pomorski

1999 - after Leszek Pomorski’s death the company is being managed by his wife Teresa pomorska

Since 2000 until now the company is being managed by the grandson of Feliks – Piotr Pomorski.

Our clients:

Rotax Max Challenge Poland
Reklama marki “Korona”
Reklama marki “America Store”
Hotel "Liptakówka"
Rozrywkowe Centrum Miasta “HULAKULA”
Linx Data Center
Hotel Mercure – Wrocław
"Smacza Jama"
Smart & Sushi
Wytwórnia Cukierków L. Pomorski i Syn produkująca krówki z reklamą firmy
: Logotyp - Krówki Pomorski

Wytwórnia Cukierków L. Pomorski i Syn
continues to produce cream fudge until now,
using the same, unchanged recipe developed
in Poznan by the founder of the company
Feliksa Pomorskiego
Feliks Pomorski in the 1920s.

Krówki firmy L. Pomorski i syn

Contact data

ul. Piasta 15 (wjazd od ul. Wspólnej nr 3)
05-822 Milanówek
tel.: +48 22 758 32 71

Fudges made to order with a logo:

Monika Józefowiak
tel. +48 508 000 502

Paulina Osmolak
tel. +48 790 850 850

Oskar Pomorski
Chairman of the Board
tel. +48 666 025 516

Online shop

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